Cost for Employers

Cost for Employers

Workplace pension schemes and auto enrolment  - explained by the experts at Systematic Auto Enrolment Systems of Lancashire

As an employer, it is your responsibility to meet the workplace pension requirements. This involves setting up a pension scheme for eligible employees and paying the necessary contributions. The minimum contribution for employers to make to their employees' pensions is set to increase in the coming years. Please review the table below to determine the amount your business must pay. 

Date Employer Minimum Contribution Total Minimum Contribution
Before 30.9.17 1% 2% (Including 1% by Employee)
1.10.17 - 30.9.18 2% 5% (Including 3% by Employee)
1.10.18+ 3% 8% (Including 5% by Employee)

These contributions are based on gross earnings which includes salary, wages, commission, bonuses, airtime, statutory sick pay, statutory maternity pay, paternity and adoption pay.

When running an active business, it can be difficult to make time to ensure you are paying the correct amount towards your employees' pension schemes. However, with the help of the accountancy specialists at Systematic Auto Enrolment Services, compliance is much easier.

If you are based in Lancashire or nearby areas and need assistance setting up or managing a workplace pension scheme, one call to the team at Systematic Auto Enrolment is all it takes. Get in touch today on 01772 456 782!