Eligible Employees

Eligible Employees

If you are based in Lancashire and need support running a workplace pension scheme, we will be happy to assist you and your employees!

If you're unfamiliar with the changing and complex workplace legislation, compliance can seem like a minefield. To make things easier, the team at Systematic Enrolment Services have put together an brief guide for employers. 

A) SPA – State Pension Age

B) If an employee asks you to, you must provide a scheme for them but you do not have to contribute.

C) If an employee asks to be put into a scheme you must automatically enrol them and pay regular contributions.

D) You must put these employees into a scheme and pay regular contributions. You do not need to ask their permission. If they give notice or you do to leave employment before the process is complete, then the employer has the choice to enrol or not.

You cannot influence your staff into opting out and a full assessment of all staff is necessary when the staying date is reached.

If you require any further information on the subject of auto enrolment workplace pensions, payroll or accountancy, the experts at Systematic Enrolment Services are at your service. We regularly lend our expertise to business of all sizes throughout Lancashire and the surounding areas. To find out how we can help you, call 01772 456 782 today to discuss your requirements.